Before proceeding any further, you have to be aware that I read books for humor, character development and love stories. I don't really care about anything else. Oh! Good writing. That's kind of implied, but this is why I don't just read romance novels.
This book has ALL THOSE THINGS.
Plus the fun format of emails for about half of it.
Ok, so Lincoln is the new nightshift IT guy for a Nebraska newspaper, meaning he reads emails flagged for inappropriate workplace language and then sends the offenders a warning. Plus I think he does some other IT-y type things, but this is not important.
Two women's emails keep being flagged, but they are so hilarious and heartwarming that he keeps not sending them a warning. And then...then shenanigans happen, i.e. he falls in love with one of them. And NO MORE PLOT. Because it unfolds in a delightful fashion and I love it so.
I started out being like "ha-hah! this novel is so amusing" and then it turned into "YOU TWO KISS NOW."

This book was unputdownable for me. At lunch ā "I have an hour; I'll read for half of it ā ok, 45 minutes ā ok, I'll eat after work," while showering (don't ask ā it's a thing from childhood I've recently revived, possibly in an attempt to relive those halcyon days) ā "'Self! You are wasting water and hastening the ruination of the planet!' 'But WHAT HAPPENS NEXT??'", and on the El ā "Right. My stop is next. Just a...few...more...wordsā" *has to shove book in bag and move it to get out before the doors close*
Beth and Jennifer -- the women -- are fantastic. I'd say I want them to be my best friends, but that would do disservice to my RL best friend (I mentioned she drove with me to the Abraham Lincoln museum for my birthday, right?). But STILL they should be for reals people and we should all hang out and write amusing emails to each other.
Examples of Beth and Jennifer being people you would want to know:
<<Beth to Jennifer>> And when she told us her wedding song -- of course, they've already picked their wedding song, and of course it's 'What a Wonderful World' by Louis Armstrong -- I said that choosing that song is the sonic equivalent of buying picture frames and never replacing the photos of the models.
<<Jennifer to Beth>> I was at the mall last night, walking around by myself, trying not to spend money, trying not to think about a delicious Cinnabon...and I found myself walking by the Baby Gap. I've never been in a Baby Gap. So, I decided to duck in. On a lark.
<<Beth to Jennifer>> Right. On a lark. I'm familiar with those.
<<Jennifer to Beth>> So...I'm larking through the Baby Gap, looking at tiny capri pants and sweaters that cost more than...I don't know, more than they should. And I get totally sucked in by this ridiculous, tiny fur coat. The kind of coat a baby might need to go to the ballet. In Moscow. In 1918.
Try not to love them. You will fail.
Giant kudos to Raych for recommending this. And equally giant kudos to Rainbow Rowell for not only writing an awesome book, but ALSO BEING AMUSING ON TWITTER. For I had made fun of her liking Twilight, and she was hilarious in response. Authors on twitter: Please be funny and do not just constantly promote your books.
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