We're not even gonna get into how far behind I am here, so this post is going to be about how back when the movie version of Deathly Hallows was first released, this happened:
And I was just in the theater being like
And then they became the only HP couple I've read fic for as a grownass adult lady and IT'S NOT MY FAULT. THE FILM MADE ME. IT WAS A WEIRD SCENE. And there's no way you make an enormous film like one of the Harry Potters and DON'T realize there's weird sexual tension in your torture scene. Someone points it out to the director. Or to ANYONE. And then -- AND THEN -- Emma Watson and Helena Bonham Carter do not-okay shit like this:
Wtf is that? I don't even know what to do with that. Except maybe write a story where Bellatrix changes her ways after finding the brilliant young witch who challenges her someone for whom she can abandon her sordid past and maybe they live in a little cottage off the main road in Hogsmeade and raise chickens while Hermione studies to become a professor and Bellatrix studies to become slightly less batshit insane/evil. YOU KNOW SOMETHING LIKE THAT.
Re the Dobby scene ā did the film CHANGE it to make it even sadder? Because I think it did. Damn, y'know, I don't rewatch the movies, except for DH part I, because it is the awesomest.
Now that we're past most spoilers, and only have one post left for the actual book (it's ok, it'll be okay), it feels like the right time to post this video. My friend and I cried about this basically all day before going to the midnight opening of DH part II. It is fantastic.
And I was just in the theater being like
And then they became the only HP couple I've read fic for as a grownass adult lady and IT'S NOT MY FAULT. THE FILM MADE ME. IT WAS A WEIRD SCENE. And there's no way you make an enormous film like one of the Harry Potters and DON'T realize there's weird sexual tension in your torture scene. Someone points it out to the director. Or to ANYONE. And then -- AND THEN -- Emma Watson and Helena Bonham Carter do not-okay shit like this:
Wtf is that? I don't even know what to do with that. Except maybe write a story where Bellatrix changes her ways after finding the brilliant young witch who challenges her someone for whom she can abandon her sordid past and maybe they live in a little cottage off the main road in Hogsmeade and raise chickens while Hermione studies to become a professor and Bellatrix studies to become slightly less batshit insane/evil. YOU KNOW SOMETHING LIKE THAT.
Re the Dobby scene ā did the film CHANGE it to make it even sadder? Because I think it did. Damn, y'know, I don't rewatch the movies, except for DH part I, because it is the awesomest.
Now that we're past most spoilers, and only have one post left for the actual book (it's ok, it'll be okay), it feels like the right time to post this video. My friend and I cried about this basically all day before going to the midnight opening of DH part II. It is fantastic.
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